I find it alarming that married couples are not having sex as often as they should (Why). When first married couples start out having sex five to seven days a week and as the relationship grows it goes down 3 times to 1 then none why? When married couples stop having sex the relationship becomes vulnerable to detachment, infidelity, anger, and even divorce. Although a couple’s sex life can be affected by many facts, I believe if two people are healthy, there is no reason why they cannot have a healthy sex life. The question is why married couples are not engaging in sexual pleasures on a regular basis. I have read studies that married couples are having sex 58 times per year, which is unacceptable. Let’s break the cycle of non-sexual relationships by talking about why, what, and how the fire can be ignited again. There’s enough information and assistance to get your Sex life fueled again. I will agree there may be slow times with intimacy; however, there is no need to put out the fire completely. Remember there is no limit on how much sex is too much in your relationship. We would like to hear how your marriage stays HOT.