Vacationing with my Husband

Hi, everyone, my husband, and I just got back from a 14-day cruise and we had a ball. This was the first time we went on a vacation for a straight 14-days and it was a cruise. Our first cruise was for nine days but this topped everything. My husband and I had a great time together; it had been a long time that we both were together confined in a space for that many days. In our daily lives, we see each in passing most of the time because of work, school, and outside interest quality time is lost, and back to our daily routine. However, getting to spend quality time together on our cruise was priceless. We got a chance to reconnect sexually, emotionally, and have fun. It’s important for married couples to spend as much time as possible together; there are so many distractions in the world that can tear marriages apart. You may not be able to take an extended vacation; however, you can make time to spend together to talk, love, dine, and play that’s free.

Love Being ME

Don’t Ever Forget

My married couple’s; do you still go out and wine, and dine each other? Do you still love each other out in public? Do you still have sex? Individuals married for a reasonable length of time; some of the romance in your marriage can become stagnated and boring. Let’s not forget what brought you two together in the first place. Often, we settle into our marriage, get comfortable, and drift into different interests, which is not a bad thing; however,  you must still come back together. I suggest that every seven years, a marriage should be renewed. My husband and I have a rule that every seven years we renew our marriage; by doing so, it releases us from the boredom and staleness of the old and bring us into something new. We don’t renew our vowels we decide to try new things.  Life changes, and we learn to change with it as well.

Nevertheless, don’t lose that connection that you had in the beginning. We all have slow times in our marriage when life happens; however, you have to make adjustments, and take pause, and get back on track (don’t stay on hiatus). Sit on the couch, pull out your videos of when you got married, get out the pictures of your favorite vacation spots. Marriage is continuous work, and it gets better over time if you stay and work on it. Don’t give up; renewing is all your marriage need (Out with the old in with the new).

Hanging With Mr. Cooper

Wow, Mr. Cooper and I had a wonderful mini vacation. We headed to Atlantic City for two days, relaxed by the pool, and ate like crazy before heading off to Wildwood New Jersey. We enjoyed walking the broad walk, although it was hot. We stopped by Douglas fudge to get my favorite cashew patties before heading home. We took a 4th of July breather and went to friends for a cookout, where the company and the food were delightful. After a day of relaxing, we were off to one of our favorite cities, New York, NY; they had to name it twice. While in the big apple, we detoured Continue reading “Hanging With Mr. Cooper”

It Takes 2 to Tangle

It disturbs me when I hear married couples say their husband or wife is not a good lover. It takes two to tangle and if one of you is saying this about the other, then both of you are to blame. If you are not getting the satisfaction in the bedroom you desire, then maybe you both need to rethink your strategy. Are you both not expressing what you want and if so STOP doing things the same way that is boring? Change things up; LET YOUR REQUEST BE MADE KNOW. You don’t have to re-event the wheel; however, your love-making should be pleasing to each other. Take your time, don’t rush, and find out what each other like. ( It’s never too late) Wives don’t be selfish thinking your husband has to make the first move, you initiate. And husbands don’t be shy tell your wife what you like. Learn to be passionate and patient about your love life, again this is not a race; savor the moment it’s worth it.  

When Romance is on Hold

Readjust and take a Pause!

Husbands and wives, when you are arguing did you know the hold house is upside down. Can we all just get along? When you are arguing, nothing is getting accomplished and definitely, no sex is taking place. I know sometimes there is a need for intense fellowship, but how long are you going to let it fester into cancer. Don’t let the sun on down and you guys are still mad, take a pause, readjust, and work it out. Life is too short to stay mad at each other, learn to let go and move on. What I have learned, you can always revisit a conversation later when you are calmer. Much time is lost when couples stay angry; one of you must take the higher ground and apologize. Taking the higher ground does not mean you are given in, it simply means you want peace. When you argue this disrupts the polarity of the universe, and time is lost not loving on each other. I found that talking naked is the best way to have a conversation. If you’re both naked who can stay angry. Try it. 

Schedule Time for Sex

Husbands and Wives found it hard at times to have spontaneous sex. If you work, have children, own a business, or just doing things pertaining to life than it can be difficult to come home and have Sex. You cannot have great sex with things running through your mind; what am I cooking for dinner, I need to do a load of laundry before bed. STOP, and Relax your MIND. Don’t be afraid to schedule time together for sex. We all have a hectic schedule, lets slow things down, and Meet in the Be Room.

Are You Having Enough SEX

I find it alarming that married couples are not having sex as often as they should  (Why). When first married couples start out having sex five to seven days a week and as the relationship grows it goes down  3 times to 1 then none why? When married couples stop having sex the relationship becomes vulnerable to detachment, infidelity, anger, and even divorce. Although a couple’s sex life can be affected by many facts, I believe if two people are healthy, there is no reason why they cannot have a healthy sex life. The question is why married couples are not engaging in sexual pleasures on a regular basis. I have read studies that married couples are having sex 58 times per year, which is unacceptable. Let’s break the cycle of non-sexual relationships by talking about why, what, and how the fire can be ignited again. There’s enough information and assistance to get your Sex life fueled again. I will agree there may be slow times with intimacy; however, there is no need to put out the fire completely. Remember there is no limit on how much sex is too much in your relationship. We would like to hear how your marriage stays HOT.

Don’t Be Pressured

Don’t think you have to be the world’s greatest lover to have great sex. Know what‘s pleasurable for you and your partner. Don’t think you have to keep up with what others are doing or reading; don’t think everything has to be perfect. My husband and I have read many books to enlighten us and obtain information not to try to perform every trick in the book. Lovemaking is an art and is perfected over time with you and your partner. (Perfected not perfect) You and your partner’s style of lovemaking are unique to each other and should be satisfying to you both. Lovemaking is not a race again it’s an Art, and everyone knows art is appreciated over time.



Morning Wake UP

Sometimes Sex in the morning is the best way to start your day. For me it’s better than a cup of coffee. Morning sex makes you think of each other more throughout the day awaiting a continuation. Make time for morning sex, if you hear rain definitely stay in bed. Make it a play day being naked and loving on each other, this never gets old.  Moreover, leave the TV off, order take out, phones off. Make this day  about each other.

Talk! Talk! Talk! Talk! Talk!

Communication is so basic but so necessary. Neither one of you can read each other’s mind during sex, so speak up if there is something that you want that he is not delivering. There are tons of ways to verbalize it if you feel a little tongue-tied, like “It’s so hot when you…” or “I’d love it if you’d try…” expressing what you feel will allow you to get what you want. Don’t’ be scared