I have put a lot of information on to this blog and there is plenty to add.  In order to have and effective relationship with yourself or anyone you must first master who you are, and know what you believe. The first male and female relationship started with Adam and Eve, a relationship God placed together. Later Adam blamed Eve, but the point is relationships take time; take the time to get to know each other and the dynamic will be great.  I found there are three stages to marriage and to have a successful marriage you must master all three.  So don’t quit, and hang in there until death do you part.

The three stages to a marriage are: Leaving, Cleaving, and Weaving.

Leaving- when you first get married you have to leave your mother, girlfriends, guy friends and start to get to know one another intimately (Relationship building)  1 to 15 years.

Cleaving- you two have been together so long you began to look alike, work each other nerves, but love each other and the relationship you have and nothing and no one can come between you 16 to 35.

Weaving- you have grown to cherish each moment, nothing can separate you two; he holds her purse and not ashamed. She makes sure he takes his medicine on time and they finish each other sentences 36 to death.

Rome was not built in a day, and relationships take a lot of time to form.  Don’t be in a hurry.

What stage are you in?