My married couple’s; do you still go out and wine, and dine each other? Do you still love each other out in public? Do you still have sex? Individuals married for a reasonable length of time; some of the romance in your marriage can become stagnated and boring. Let’s not forget what brought you two together in the first place. Often, we settle into our marriage, get comfortable, and drift into different interests, which is not a bad thing; however, you must still come back together. I suggest that every seven years, a marriage should be renewed. My husband and I have a rule that every seven years we renew our marriage; by doing so, it releases us from the boredom and staleness of the old and bring us into something new. We don’t renew our vowels we decide to try new things. Life changes, and we learn to change with it as well.
Nevertheless, don’t lose that connection that you had in the beginning. We all have slow times in our marriage when life happens; however, you have to make adjustments, and take pause, and get back on track (don’t stay on hiatus). Sit on the couch, pull out your videos of when you got married, get out the pictures of your favorite vacation spots. Marriage is continuous work, and it gets better over time if you stay and work on it. Don’t give up; renewing is all your marriage need (Out with the old in with the new).